Rachelle Mariano


Software Engineer

I now work at The Pokémon Company International.
Software Engineer II
09/2019 - present

I currently work at The Pokémon Company International on the Organized Play team. I'm helping build a Python3/Django service to replace the monolith that supports Play! Pokémon. This service currently supplies data to the Event Locator and Retail Locator. It also ingests tournament data from the Pokémon Event Manager.

My current projects involve back-end support for 2022 Championships, including performance improvements and integration with GO/Niantic data.

When I'm not writing Django REST framework APIs, designing data flows, or integrating with internal clients, I periodically assist my front-end teammates with the Pokémon Event Manager, an Electron app that runs tournaments.

From 2020 through early 2022, I was a Women in Tech lead and coordinated internal events such as tea-times and Certified Scrum Master training.

My first job as a software engineer was at Klaviyo.
Software Engineer
10/2017 - 07/2019

Klaviyo is an ecommerce marketing and analytics startup that uses Django. The web app empowers businesses by giving them tools- such as powerful segmentation and dynamic automated messaging- to nurture customer relationships.

Software Developer, Integrations:

I was responsible for creating and improving data ingestion pipelines for several external platforms. I contributed to diverse features, including:

Software Engineer, Data Augmentation:

In October 2018, I chose to join a small team in charge of developing Klaviyo's first microservice cut from our monolith. We built a Python3 microservice deployed via Kubernetes for storing and manipulating all customer catalog data, such as products, their categories, and product-related subscriptions. We ported our infrastructure into a boilerplate repo that several teams used to build their own microservices.

Our service communicated with our monolith via gRPC and handled over 1 billion requests each week. We built it to create an intuitive interface for downstream teams and to leverage the geographic capabilities of PostGIS for product locations. In addition, we were responsible for serving single-use coupon codes and location-based product recommendations to downstream email-sending teams, thereby allowing our customers to send more personalized emails.

I conducted research and earned a Master of Arts in Biology at Harvard.
Graduate Student
09/2015 - 06/2017

Axolotls are salamanders that have the amazing ability to fully regenerate their limbs upon injury. With recent technological advances, we can now research how individual cells contribute to regeneration.

In Dr. Jessica Whited's lab, we used single cell RNA sequencing to profile cells from regenerating and intact axolotl limbs. I did preliminary analysis of the data from our first two experiments, including transforming the raw gene sequencing data into high-dimensional gene x cell matrices and identifying populations of different cell types using linear algebra techniques.

I also participated in Harvard Medical School Kindling Interest in Doing Science summer program and Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program to teach middle and high school students about science and to prepare them for pursuing STEM tracks in college.

I pursued a dual major in Biochemistry and Computer Science at the University of Miami.
Undergraduate Student
08/2011 - 05/2015

I completed my Biochemistry-Computer Science dual undergraduate degree at the University of Miami. I also minored in chemistry, French, and mathematics.

At UM, I served on the executive board of the Anime Club. Each fall we raised money for Miami Children's Hospital by hosting ExtraLife, a 24 hour video game marathon. Each spring we hosted Miami Hurricon, a free anime convention that drew thousands of attendees.

I also played on the women's ultimate frisbee team in my senior year.

Axolotl Limb Regeneration
09/2015 - 05/2017

I conducted research under Dr. Jessica Whited for my Master's degree. Understanding how axolotl salamanders regenerate their limbs may lead to insights into pain management and (maybe one day in the far future) regeneration for human amputees.

I used shell scripts and R packages (Seurat) to analyze high throughput sequencing data from regenerating and control axolotl limbs.

Virus-Host Interactions
05/2014 - 05/2015

I conducted research under Dr. Stefan Wuchty during my senior undergraduate year. Understanding how viruses target bacterial hosts may help us develop new therapies for bacteria-borne diseases.

I used Python scripts to investigate how viruses interact with their hosts using graph models.

Dog Genomics
06/2014 - 09/2014

I participated in the Princeton Molecular and Quantitative Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Program and conducted research under Dr. Bridgett vonHoldt. Understanding the genome structure of dogs lets us understand how different breeds have such different traits and disease susceptibility. Viral DNA sequences contribute to genomic differences.

I used shell scripts to identify the coordinates of viral DNA sequences in the dog genome. I then used Python scripts to investigate the proximity of these elements to coding genes, the time since their insertion, and whether or not they were silenced differently in dogs versus wolves.